Friday, July 10, 2009

Homosexuality: What is needed is not court order, but mental therapy

Ever since the court order decriminalizing the act of homosexuality has been announced, most of these so-called Indian journalist lots (print and the visual media) are hell bend on supporting this unnatural behaviour of some insane people. To be straight and clear, homosexuality is the sexual attraction between the same sex people, which is against the nature.

These so-called journalists who are up in arms against the spiritual leaders, for showing their displeasure over the verdict, do not have the sense to understand that God is something that exists in everybody. God is not a separate entity. God is not the one who sits in temples, churches or mosques. God is the nature.

Fertilization happens and a life is produced when man’s sperm is met with woman’s egg. Never in the history of life, had either in the human life or any other living thing, had two male sperm never produced a new life. This is science and that science is God.

Religions are created by human beings, not God. Religion is an institution where we learn what is good and what is bad. We earn the strength and ability to separate good from the bad through religious teachings. The society is a mixture of both, good and bad. It is up to the people’s inner quality and thinking ability that makes him to accept what is good. It is like if you offer a Swan milk mixed with water, the swan has the ability to drink only the milk from the mixture leaving the water in the pot. Though all human being cannot be perfect as a swan in their lives, it is a pity that these so-called, self-proclaimed torch bearers of the society who comes in the outfit of intelligence journalists malign your thought and culture.

Indian culture, which has a deep rooted traditional values have a strong followers and respect all over the globe. It is not necessary for the Indian people to adopt another culture. Unfortunately, that is becoming a fashion.

When some unfortunate western youngsters wore torn jeans due to bad financial conditions, to imitate that style our youngsters wore torn jeans after bringing new jeans and tearing it. You are always attracted anything western. Nobody has the opinion that all western cultures are bad. There are some good. But one must have ability to understand and accept what is good for them.

I do not take the above argument for support of the homosexuality matter as I do not have an opinion that this vulgarity is a western culture. But what is my concern is, Indians got the strength to support the cause publicly and accumulated the courage to exhibit themselves as a homosexuals in public display, surely a western inspiration.

A pity argument in support of this insane act is love. Nobody is against love. Love is God. One must Love all. You love your parents, your spouse, your children, your siblings, your friends, your neighbours and you love God (nature) too. However, every love has different definitions.

The love you share your parents is not same as you share with your spouse, you love your friends and neighbours, but both these have different limitations. The love you give you children is different from what you express with your siblings.

One last word of advice to these so-called ‘intelligent’ journalists lot: You just need only common sense to understand what does this homosexual love is all about. It is only an unnatural sexual attraction between people from the same sex group. What it needs is not a court order, but a thorough mental therapy.

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  1. good thoughts... keep writing....

  2. I like the world God is Nature.. True.. I agree with that..
